Hate me,please leave.
and i don't need your comments (:
♥ viewing now
I ♥ me
Atiqah (:
Ppl called me iqa or just simply Atiqah
I'm just single and which
she now unavailable
My birthday on 13 December 1996
Which still long long away
I'm expecting to receive present
on my very bigg dae
Currently i'm schooling in concord
which i proud to be thr
My class is 6j
They called either 6Jelly or 6Joy
I simply love to play volleyball
They are my adores
Not only my Gans or girlfriends
adore me , some other friends
adore me too
As they ROCKS my SOCKS !
hello (: aku tunggu kau reply my comment too you from 3.30 sampai 8.22 sekarang . Dari tadik lom makan pasal kau tau khairul . Alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ): Tak kan nk merajok kan . Memang btol arh lelaki sukerhh narhh merajok ! Sorrie larhh :D Haixx tk jawab jawab tunggu sampai 12.00 pon miie tk kesah . Well the time begins now .! Now is 8.23 . Wait untill wat time i wait fer euu okayyix !